Our first post for 10 months, its been a busy year where life got in the way. So what better way to celebrate coming back to t’internet than with a review of Liverpool’s own pop/folk-tastic Euan Blackman and his latest release, LED Lights?
Introspective, evergreen and warm like a lovely cuppa while watching the rain pour down, Euan’s latest track features a lush instrumental that sounds as if Springsteen’s “Nebraska” was recorded in 2022. A driving, gentle and melodic vibe emits from the song. It puts us in mind, vocally, of early 90s hero’s Teenage Fanclub (think “Mellow Doubt”) mixed with Pete Yorn’s debut album, “Music For The Morning After”..(think the song “Murray”) mixed with echo’s of the legendary Elliot Smith.

Euan Blackman
This song really is a catchy, humble song with real commercial elements to it. Drips of harmonica and a subtle kick drum, on the underbelly mix of the song, complement the layers of vocals and keys, adding that extra touch of magic.
Yes.This song really gets its hooks in to you…it truly is magical.

Euan Blackman Live
Euan should quite rightly be proud of this song, we think its a great direction for him and we hope to see him produce more of the same with his upcoming releases.
Keep your eyes peeled for this delicate and enchanting artist.
His music emits magic flowing from its pores.
BIG tick here!
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